Microplastics & PFAS Daily Detox

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Our custom-formulated Daily Detox supplement includes a blend of Vitamin C (as Asorbic Acid), Calcium (from Calcium D-glucarate), L-Carnitine, Quercetin (from Quercetin Dihydrate), L-Cysteine, L-Glutamic Acide, L-Glycine, and Lycopene. Other ingredients include vegetable cellulose, a hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) capsule, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, and Magnesium Stearate.

For more information on our custom formulation, please refer to the "Science" section of our website!

PurityWell Daily Detox is our all-in-one, doctor-formulated solution designed to support detoxing from microplastics, PFAS, and other dangerous environmental chemicals.*

Cleanse your system of microplastics and gain control over your well-being!

Take no more than three (3) capsules daily, either with a meal or on an empty stomach, at a consistent time each day.

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Formulated by Scientists




Custom-formulated to eliminate harmful microplastics, PFAS, and other dangerous toxins, reducing the risk of associated health problems.

Offers potent antioxidants which counter against oxidative stress and cellular damage caused by environmental pollutants.

Boosts overall vitality and provides your body with the building blocks to cleanse from environmental toxins, leading to increased energy & improved health.




humans ingest a credit card worth of plastic every week2

The harmful effects of microplastics

  • Possible Carcinogenicity

    Some chemicals associated with microplastics may have carcinogenic properties, posing long-term health risks.3*

  • Fertility Concerns

    Microplastics and PFAS can be hormone disruptors and may have consequences on fertility.3*

  • Inflammatory Responses

    Exposure to microplastics may trigger inflammation in the body, linked to various health issues.4*

  • Gut Microbiota Disruption

    Microplastics may impact the diversity of gut bacteria, associated with metabolic and immune system disorders.4*

  • Translocation Concerns

    There's a worry that microplastics may move from the gut to other organs, potentially causing damage.5*

why do you need puritywell

Microplastics and PFAS are incredibly prevalent in our world today, and are nearly possible to avoid. They may enter our bodies by opal intake, inhalation, skin contact.

Take three (3) capsules daily, either with a meal or on an empty stomach, at a consistent time each day for cleanse your system of microplastics and gain control over your well-being.

Our Daily Detox supplement has been custom-formulated to support the detoxification from dangerous toxins.

Powerful Blend of Key Ingredients


L-Carnitine, a natural amino acid, aids in body detox and is commonly used as a supplement for weight loss and exercise. Its benefits also include enhancing the body's detoxification process, removing harmful substances like microplastics.


Quercetin, a natural flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, offers health benefits including reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, and aiding detoxification by removing harmful substances like microplastics.

L-Glutamic Acid

L-Glutamic acid, a natural amino acid, used as a dietary supplement for gut health and immunity, may also aid in detoxification, including microplastic removal. It's non-essential and found in various foods like meats, fish, eggs, and dairy.


Lycopene, found in tomatoes and other fruits, supports natural detox and microplastic elimination. It's a powerful antioxidant linked to reduced cancer risk, better eye health, and heart support.


L-Glycine, a natural amino acid supplement for muscle growth and recovery, is researched for its potential in detox, including microplastic elimination.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that has been widely recognized for its role in maintaining optimal health. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential of Vitamin C to support detoxification processes in the body, including microplastic detoxification.

Calcium D-glucarate

Calcium D-glucarate is a compound that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential role in detoxification and microplastic detoxification.


L-Cysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid that has been used for decades as a dietary supplement, primarily for its ability to support respiratory health and boost the immune system. However, recent research has highlighted its potential role in detoxification and microplastic detoxification. 

Interested in the Extensive Research?


A game changer!

I feel more energized and refreshed after using it for just a few weeks. Grateful for a natural way to detox from microplastics!

- Jake L.

Worth every penny!

After just a few weeks, I’ve noticed a significant boost in my energy levels, and I feel like my body is genuinely cleaner inside.

- Mike D.

A no-brainer!

I’ve always been concerned about microplastics and pollutants, and this product tackles just that. I feel rejuvenated & more energetic!

- Jordan K.

Effective & eco-friendly!

The process was so smooth, and knowing it’s backed by science makes me trust it even more. Props for the eco-friendly packaging!

- Sophia N.
100% moneyback guarantee


Improvement of focus and concentration

Quercetin and other antioxidants in the capsules can help protect the brain from oxidative stress, which may enhance cognitive functions, including the ability to focus and improve memory.

Maintenance of muscle health

L-Carnitine may contribute to improving fat metabolism and increasing endurance, which can help enhance muscle performance and reduce fatigue during physical exertion.

Strengthening the immune system

Vitamin C from the capsules can help support the health of the immune system, reducing the likelihood of illnesses and speeding up the recovery process from cold infections.

Improvement of skin, hair, And nails

Calcium, L-Carnitine, and other components of the capsules play an important role in maintaining skin health, strengthening hair and nails, making them stronger, more elastic, and shiny.


Formulated with a blend of natural compounds known for their detoxifying properties.

Produced by a reputable company with a track record of delivering high-quality health supplements.

Custom formulation developed alongside a world-class team of doctors, scientists, and nutrition experts.

Easy to take, and designed to fit seamlessly into daily routines without any lifestyle changes.

Eco-friendly packaging, reflecting our commitment to environmental health.

Natural Ingredients
Scientifically Formulated
Easy to Integrate
Trusted Quality
Clean Packaging

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  • Delivered on your own schedule

Frequently Asked Questions

We worked with a world-class team of formulation experts, doctors, and PharmDs in the development of our formulation. Our goal was to make sure we're offering the single best microplastic detox formulation on the market, and we strongly believe we achieved that goal!

Refer to the "Science" section of our website for more information on our formulation process, as well as in-depth commentary on all ingredients and why they're included.

We have a world-class team of formulation experts, medical experts, and pharmacists that lead our formulation process, and all of our manufacturing happens in a GMP-certified facility. The team and facility where our products are formulated and manufactured are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD & C Act) and the Fair Packaging Act (FPLA) and other related federal and state laws.

All of our ingredients are tested prior to manufacturing to verify their purity and lack of any unintended microbes and to ensure there are no heavy metals. Our manufacturing team prepares a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for each manufacturing run performed.

We generally recommend that new customers use Daily Detox supplementation for at least 60 days in order to realize full benefits, but results may vary from person to person!

That said, given the prevalence of microplastics in our world today (including in most drinking water and many everyday use products), it can be difficult to avoid these toxins entirely. As such, it can be valuable to stay on our Daily Detox supplementation protocol over a longer time horizon to ensure you're keeping your body free of these toxins over the long-run, even if you're unable to avoid them entirely in your everyday life.

The dosages were determined through a combination of scientific research, including preclinical studies, clinical trials, and reviews of existing literature. 

Preclinical Studies

  1. In Vitro and Animal Studies: Researchers may start with laboratory and animal studies to explore the effects of these substances on detoxification pathways, such as liver function or the excretion of toxins.

Clinical Trials

  1. Phase I Trials: Initial human trials would focus on safety and pharmacokinetics, determining how the body processes the substances.
  2. Phase II Trials: These trials would assess the efficacy of the supplements for detoxification at various dosages.
  3. Phase III Trials: Larger trials would further refine the dosage by comparing different amounts to find the optimal balance between efficacy and safety.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

  1. Data Aggregation: A compilation of data from multiple studies to determine the most effective dosages.

Expert Consensus

Professional Guidelines: Medical and scientific organizations provided dosage recommendations based on a consensus of expert opinion and clinical evidence.

  1. Regulatory Bodies
  2. Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs): For some nutrients like Vitamin C, regulatory bodies provided RDAs or upper intake levels.

There are no well-documented specific supplements to avoid while taking Daily Detox. However, it's crucial to monitor total intake and potential overlapping effects with similar supplements.

Broad Recommendations

  1. Avoid High Doses: Taking multiple supplements that serve similar functions or affect similar pathways can increase the risk of adverse effects due to cumulative high doses.
  2. Be Cautious with Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements can have potent effects and interact with other supplements in unpredictable ways. For example, St. John's Wort can affect the metabolism of many substances.
  3. Consult Healthcare Providers: Before starting any new supplement regimen, especially when combining multiple supplements, consult with a healthcare provider or a pharmacist to review potential interactions and contraindications based on your specific health situation and medications.

Ultimately, specific interactions can depend on individual health conditions, dosages, and the presence of other substances, but here are some general considerations:


  1. Acetyl-L-Carnitine: Taking L-Carnitine with Acetyl-L-Carnitine may not be harmful, but it's important to consider the total carnitine dosage to avoid potential side effects like nausea or diarrhea.


  1. Other Flavonoids: While not necessarily harmful, taking Quercetin with other flavonoid supplements (like green tea extract, resveratrol) could potentiate effects, warranting caution with dosing.

Vitamin C

  1. Iron Supplements: Vitamin C can increase iron absorption, which is beneficial in some cases but could be problematic for individuals with conditions like hemochromatosis.
  2. Other Antioxidants: High doses of Vitamin C taken with other antioxidants (e.g., Vitamin E, beta-carotene) might theoretically reduce the effectiveness of one another due to antioxidant recycling mechanisms.

Calcium D-glucarate

  1. Other Calcium Supplements: Combining Calcium D-glucarate with other calcium supplements could lead to excessive calcium intake, potentially increasing the risk of hypercalcemia.


N-acetylcysteine (NAC): As a derivative of L-Cysteine, taking NAC alongside L-Cysteine could increase the risk of side effects like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

  1. L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glycine, Lycopene