We hope the FAQ topics below will help you find the answer you're looking for! If you still have any questions, feel free to email us at support@puritywell.co.


PurityWell has corporate headquarters in Austin, TX! All of our supplements are manufactured in a GMP-certified facility, with rigorous quality control and ingredient testing. All orders get shipped from our fulfillment center in New York.

Buy with confidence! If you feel that something is wrong with your order, just email us within 30 days at support@puritywell.co and we'll make it right.

Refer to our Return Policy page for additional information.

You can typically expect to receive your order within 3-5 business days of purchase through our website. We're also currently offering free shipping on all orders!

We currently only ship domestically within the United States, but if you're interested in our products and live internationally, we'd still love to hear from you! Please email us at hello@puritywell.co and we'll let you know as soon as we expand into your region.


Subscribe & Save is our exclusive subscription program that we offer to loyal fans of PurityWell. In this program, we offer price savings, special deals, early access to new product offerings, and more!

The cancellation process should be fairly straightforward through the subscription portal we use, but if you run into any issues, just email support@puritywell.co and will make sure your cancellation happens quickly and easily!

As long as you cancel the subscription before the recurring order is generated, you won't be charged for a recurring order! If you run into any issues with Subscribe and Save, just email us at support@puritywell.co.

Your order will still get shipped out so if you want it to be canceled, please email us right away at support@puritywell.co and we'll do our best to cancel it before it's fulfilled.

PurityWell Daily Detox

We worked with a world-class team of formulation experts, doctors, and PharmDs in the development of our formulation. Our goal was to make sure we're offering the single best microplastic detox formulation on the market, and we strongly believe we achieved that goal!

Refer to the "Science" section of our website for more information on our formulation process, as well as in-depth commentary on all ingredients and why they're included.

We have a world-class team of formulation experts, medical experts, and pharmacists that lead our formulation process, and all of our manufacturing happens in a GMP-certified facility. The team and facility where our products are formulated and manufactured are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD & C Act) and the Fair Packaging Act (FPLA) and other related federal and state laws.

All of our ingredients are tested prior to manufacturing to verify their purity and lack of any unintended microbes and to ensure there are no heavy metals. Our manufacturing team prepares a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for each manufacturing run performed.

We generally recommend that new customers use Daily Detox supplementation for at least 60 days in order to realize full benefits, but results may vary from person to person!

That said, given the prevalence of microplastics in our world today (including in most drinking water and many everyday use products), it can be difficult to avoid these toxins entirely. As such, it can be valuable to stay on our Daily Detox supplementation protocol over a longer time horizon to ensure you're keeping your body free of these toxins over the long-run, even if you're unable to avoid them entirely in your everyday life.*

The dosages were determined through a combination of scientific research, including preclinical studies, clinical trials, and reviews of existing literature. 

Preclinical Studies

  1. In Vitro and Animal Studies: Researchers may start with laboratory and animal studies to explore the effects of these substances on detoxification pathways, such as liver function or the excretion of toxins.

Clinical Trials

  1. Phase I Trials: Initial human trials would focus on safety and pharmacokinetics, determining how the body processes the substances.
  2. Phase II Trials: These trials would assess the efficacy of the supplements for detoxification at various dosages.
  3. Phase III Trials: Larger trials would further refine the dosage by comparing different amounts to find the optimal balance between efficacy and safety.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

  1. Data Aggregation: A compilation of data from multiple studies to determine the most effective dosages.

Expert Consensus

Professional Guidelines: Medical and scientific organizations provided dosage recommendations based on a consensus of expert opinion and clinical evidence.

  1. Regulatory Bodies
  2. Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs): For some nutrients like Vitamin C, regulatory bodies provided RDAs or upper intake levels.

There are no well-documented specific supplements to avoid while taking Daily Detox. However, it's crucial to monitor total intake and potential overlapping effects with similar supplements.

Broad Recommendations

  1. Avoid High Doses: Taking multiple supplements that serve similar functions or affect similar pathways can increase the risk of adverse effects due to cumulative high doses.
  2. Be Cautious with Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements can have potent effects and interact with other supplements in unpredictable ways. For example, St. John's Wort can affect the metabolism of many substances.
  3. Consult Healthcare Providers: Before starting any new supplement regimen, especially when combining multiple supplements, consult with a healthcare provider or a pharmacist to review potential interactions and contraindications based on your specific health situation and medications.

Ultimately, specific interactions can depend on individual health conditions, dosages, and the presence of other substances, but here are some general considerations:


  1. Acetyl-L-Carnitine: Taking L-Carnitine with Acetyl-L-Carnitine may not be harmful, but it's important to consider the total carnitine dosage to avoid potential side effects like nausea or diarrhea.*


  1. Other Flavonoids: While not necessarily harmful, taking Quercetin with other flavonoid supplements (like green tea extract, resveratrol) could potentiate effects, warranting caution with dosing.*

Vitamin C

  1. Iron Supplements: Vitamin C can increase iron absorption, which is beneficial in some cases but could be problematic for individuals with conditions like hemochromatosis.*
  2. Other Antioxidants: High doses of Vitamin C taken with other antioxidants (e.g., Vitamin E, beta-carotene) might theoretically reduce the effectiveness of one another due to antioxidant recycling mechanisms.*

Calcium D-glucarate

  1. Other Calcium Supplements: Combining Calcium D-glucarate with other calcium supplements could lead to excessive calcium intake, potentially increasing the risk of hypercalcemia.*


N-acetylcysteine (NAC): As a derivative of L-Cysteine, taking NAC alongside L-Cysteine could increase the risk of side effects like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.*

  1. L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glycine, Lycopene

At-Home PFAS Testing Kits

All testing kit orders are administered and fulfilled through our partner, Vibrant Wellness! After you place your order with us, we'll follow up to gather the final pieces of information needed (full legal name, date of birth, gender) to place your testing kit order through Vibrant. Testing kits will generally arrive within 5 business days of placing your order. From there, you'll just follow the simple instructions provided to collect your sample and mail it back to the testing lab (return shipping included), and the rest will be taken care of hands-free for you!

The analysis will give you an indication of your current exposures to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, commonly called ‘PFAS.’ PFAS are used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. PFAS are found in the air, soil, and water, and in everyday consumer goods, and are generally difficult to avoid, These toxins are a large part of what we're trying to help people detox from at PurityWell!

Refer to our product page for the PFAS Chemical Test to see a full list of markers we're able to test for.

There is generally no need to fast or make any lifestyle changes ahead of time!

If you are already taking any major medications or dietary supplements that could impact results, please reach out and we will coordinate with Vibrant directly to make sure your results will not be impacted. Most instances require no lifestyle changes prior to testing.

For more information, please review this page of the Vibrant Wellness website!

Please take note of the following Regulatory Statement prior to placing your order:

Vibrant testing does not demonstrate absolute positive and negative predictive values for any disease state or condition. Its clinical utility has not been fully established. Vibrant validates the accuracy and precision of the testing but not of its clinical or diagnostic value. So these tests are for wellness and informational purpose only. Vibrant is actively doing clinical research on these samples, de-identified from patients under an IRB and will make research publications towards the same as and when the clinical utility is well established. These tests have been laboratory developed and their performance characteristics determined by Vibrant America LLC, a CLIA-certified laboratory performing the test CLIA#:05D2078809. The test has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although FDA does not currently clear or approve laboratory-developed tests in the U.S., certification of the laboratory is required under CLIA to ensure the quality and validity of the tests. The general wellness test intended uses relate to sustaining or offering general improvement to functions associated with a general state of health while making reference to diseases or conditions. Content provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Content provided to help you make healthy lifestyle, dietary, and treatment choices in consultation with your healthcare provider. It is intended to be used as a tool to encourage a general state of health and well-being. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner for diagnosis and treatment considerations. This test is not available in NY.