Study: Average American Exposed to Hundreds of Toxins Daily

Study: Average American Exposed to Hundreds of Toxins Daily

A recent study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) suggested that the average American puts over 100 chemicals on their body every day, many of which are highly toxic and potentially dangerous. These toxins are hidden inside many common, daily-use products such as drinking water, cleaning supplies, and personal care products, just to name a few.

According to the survey, it was found that on average, adults use around nine personal care products daily, containing approximately 126 different chemical ingredients. The survey, involving over twenty-three hundred participants, revealed that one in five adults are exposed daily to the top seven carcinogenic impurities commonly present in personal care items. These impurities include formaldehyde, recognized as a known carcinogen by both the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the National Toxicology Program.

Furthermore, the study highlighted that women typically expose themselves to a higher number of chemicals compared to men, with an average daily exposure of 168 chemicals, while men reported using between five to seven personal care products daily. These products may include deodorants, toothpaste, shampoos, hair gels, shaving creams, aftershave, and lotions. On average, women use between nine to twelve products daily, with teenage girls using even more, averaging at seventeen products.

Many commonly used cosmetic products like makeup, moisturizers, and hair care items often contain ingredients such as parabens and phthalates, which act as endocrine disruptors. Phthalates, in particular, have been associated with various health issues including breast cancer, obesity, infertility, and asthma. In 2014, due to studies linking phthalate exposure in rats to abnormalities in the male reproductive tract, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommended banning several phthalates from children’s toys, terming the condition "phthalate syndrome" due to its clear association.

Ultimately, the unfortunate reality is that most of us are living in toxic environments - even inside our own homes - without realizing it. This is why we recently launched our Home Audit product at PurityWell, where you can get a comprehensive assessment of your home environment and routines, and get personalized recommendations for ways to remove dangerous toxins from your life.

The first step to living a more toxin-free lifestyle is to get educated on where toxins are hiding, and ways to avoid them. Feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions and/or would like to learn more! We'll be posting more excerpts from our Lifestyle Intervention Guide in the coming days/weeks.


Reference: Environmental Working Group (EWG). (2015). Report: Survey on Personal Care Product Use.

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